Tough choice in the USA

Here in the USA, we face a tough choice: to survive with any kind of lifestyle and robustness, we need to defund government spending on:
  • Huge government subsidies to the Insurance companies, Beef Industry, etc. Subsidies may also take the form of not collecting a fair tax burden and for "under-regulating" corporations that strongly act against the public interest.
  • Drastic curtailment of defense spending
  • Elimination of the large amounts of money we give/loan to other countries to buy weapon systems from companies in the USA
Why are these tough choices? Well, because Congress (and the executive branch under Bush and Obama) mostly look out for corporate interests and not citizens' interests - that is just the way it is. Also a tough choice because almost everyone is simply too lazy to spend the effort to personally lobby their elected representatives.

Perhaps people get the government that they deserve.


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