My Java AppEngine article published; my wife's video; more good experiences with Heroku

I wrote an article for DevX on Java AppEngine that was just published. The example application implements simple document storage and search. I still very much like AppEngine, but most of my work right now involves Rails development. I am still waiting for a customer who needs AppEngine development :-)

My wife has been helping a local non-profit organization (Connections) that uses Equine (horse) therapy to help both children and adults with disabilities - good work. I put her latest video on Youtube if you are interested.

I continue to be very happy with Heroku - for a relatively small cost, my customer gets a good deployment platform that takes almost none of my time to use, thus saving them money. When it comes to deploying software, I do like control -- so, it seems strange that I am so happy with Heroku and AppEngine where you have to give up control in return for saving time and money.


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