2008 predictions
Technology The use of Java will continue to migrate to the edges of application space: use on cellphones and small devices and large scale server side system. Except for developer tools like Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ Java on the desktop will grow slowly (with a few exceptions like LimeWire) The trend of using scripting languages like Ruby and Python for small and medium size systems will continue. Most innovative software development will continue to be done as web based applications with browser and small device clients. New web based applications will continue the upwards trend to outsourcing infrastructure to Amazon (EC2, S3, SimpleDB), Google (GData, applications), etc. Pressure to reduce IT costs will drive most organizations even more towards open source. There will be more progress in implementing the Semantic Web as more organizations adopt open standards for sharing structured data and start to see the value of opening up their own data to outside users. The shift toward