
Showing posts from August, 2013

Semantic web and linked data are a form of agile development

I am working on a book on building intelligent systems in JavaScript (1) and I just wrote part of the introduction to the section on semantic web technologies: In order to understand and process data we must understand the context in which it was created and used. We looked at document oriented data storage in the last chapter. To a large degree documents are an easier source of knowledge to use because they contain some of their own context, especially if they use a specific data schema. In general data items are smaller than documents and some external context is required to make sense of different data sources. The semantic web and linked data technologies provide a way to specify a context for understanding what is in data sources and the associations between data in different sources. The thing that I like best about semantic web technologies is the support for exploiting data that was originally developed by small teams for specific projects. I view the process as a bottom up

3rd edition of my book just released: “Loving Common Lisp, or the Savvy Programmer’s Secret Weapon”

"Loving Common Lisp, or the Savvy Programmer’s Secret Weapon" The github repo for the code is here . Enjoy!

Easy setup for A/B Testing with nginx, Clojure + Compojure

Actually, I figured out the following directions for my Clojure + Compojure web apps, but as long as you are using nginx, this would work for Node.js, Rails, Sinatra, etc. The first thing you need to do is to make two copies of whatever web app you want to perform A/B Testing on, and get two Google Analytics user account tokens _uacct (i.e., the string beginning with “UA-”) tokens, one for each version. I usually use Hiccup, but for adding the Google Analytics Javascript code, I just add it as a string to the common layout file header like (reformatted to fit this page width by adding line breaks): (html5 [:head [:title "..."] " " (include-css "/css/bootstrap.css") (include-css "/css/mark.css") (include-css "/css/bootstrap-responsive.css") " " " " ] The next step is to configure nginx to split requests (hopefully equally!) between both instances of you web app. In the follow

The 4th edition of my book “Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming with Java” is now available

Buy a copy at Leanpub! The recommended price is $6 and the minimum price is $3. This includes PDF, Kindle, and iPad/iPhone formats and free updates as I fix any errors and update the book with new material. You may want to look at the github repository for the book example code before purchasing this book to make sure that the material covered in my book will be of interest to you. I will probably update the book in a few weeks after getting feedback from early readers. I am also still working on Clojure and JRuby wrapper for the Java code examples and as I update the code I will frequently push changes to the github repository for the example code.

My version of Ember.js ‘Get Excited Video’ code with Sinatra based service

The Ember.js Get Excited Video has source code for the example in the video but the test data is local on the client side. I forked this project and added a Ruby Sinatra REST service. My version is here . This uses Ember.js version 1.0 RC4. It took me some time get the example code working with a REST service so I hope my forked example will save you some time and effort.

Rest service and client in DART

The DART language looks like a promising way to write rich clients in a high level language. I have been looking at DART and the Ruby to JavaScript compiler Opal as possible (but not likely) substitutes for Clojurescript with Clojure back ends. It took me a little while to get a simple REST service and client working in development mode inside the DART IDE. The following code snippets might save you some time. Here is a simple service that returns some JSON data: import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:json' as JSON; main() { var port = 8080; HttpServer.bind('localhost', port).then((HttpServer server) { print('Server started on port: ${port}'); server.listen((HttpRequest request) { var resp = JSON.stringify({ 'name': 'Mark', 'hobby': 'hiking'} ); request.response..headers.set(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, 'application/json'); request.resp