I retired yesterday: my list of things to do in retirement
What does an intelligent person do in retirement? That is a question of individual tastes but I will share my list of 20 things. Yesterday was my last day working on a recommendation model at Babylist. Babylist is a great company to work for but I decided to retire in order to spend more time helping my wife who now has chronic health problems. When I write books, my wife enjoys editing my work so we will keep doing that. I also plan on being a gentleman computer scientist by working on open source deep learning applications and semantic web/linked data tools and applications. I may end up not doing all of these things, but generally I plan on spending more time on current interests and starting some new hobbies: Retirement Activities Join an Internet Chess club **DONE** Get a fishing license Video Games Improve my cooking/recipe web site Reading Release new editions for my 3 most popular eBooks Practice guitar, Native American Flute, and didgeridoo Eco-b