Reading "The Rails 3 Way"
Obie had his publisher send me a review copy of his book Rails 3 Way
that was just printed. It is a very good reference for Rails 3, and it really is a reference book meant to be accessed for specific problems. That said, I am reading it straight through because although I have a lot of Rails development experience, I would like to understand Rails at a deeper level.
While Rails itself is "opinionated" Obie's book is even more so: he bases his business on Rails and the book reflects the way things are done in his company. The book uses Haml and RSpec exclusively. I still mostly use Test::Unit and Erb, and the book will probably not change that (but it might!).
I found Paolo Perrotta's "Metaprogramming Ruby" to be a great resource for getting more into the low level details of Ruby and I expect that "The Rails 3 Way" will serve the same purpose for Rails.
While Rails itself is "opinionated" Obie's book is even more so: he bases his business on Rails and the book reflects the way things are done in his company. The book uses Haml and RSpec exclusively. I still mostly use Test::Unit and Erb, and the book will probably not change that (but it might!).
I found Paolo Perrotta's "Metaprogramming Ruby" to be a great resource for getting more into the low level details of Ruby and I expect that "The Rails 3 Way" will serve the same purpose for Rails.
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