My new book "Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming in Java" is available in print and as a free PDF download

My book "Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming in Java, third edition"
is available in print and PDF download versions:
Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

A free download of the PDF version is available on my Open Content web page.

This book uses several excellent open source and public domain libraries and this code is distributed in the ZIP file of book example code. Please read the third party software licenses in the directory licenses-for-3rd-party-libraries. For the book example code that I have written you can use the Commercial Use License if you have purchased either the for-fee PDF version or the print version of this book. If you have downloaded the free PDF version from this web page then you may use my book example code under the Non-commercial Use License.


  1. hi mark,

    is there any difference in content between the purchasable PDF version(on lulu) and the FREE one from your site ?

    thank you,


  2. Hello Anjan,

    They should be just about identical.

    I offered a for-fee PDF in case anyone wanted to offer me a "tip" for writing the book. I have two more writing projects in my queue and depending on the sales of this book, I will either continue going the free PDF + for-fee versions, or, if sales are really light I will just go back to one of my previous publishers (Spring-Verlag, McGraw-Hill, etc.) for future book projects.

    BTW, the print-copy (physical book) looks great :-)

    Best regards,

  3. hi mark,

    I have several hundreds PRINT books. However, recently, I've chosen to get PDF books (almost all purchased) so that I can share it on multiple computers(including work).

    Is there a way to leave a "TIP" after trying ? :-) That should be a valid choice so that users can leave a tip that makes sense to them. You can give them a few choices as well by having multiple buttons on your site: $5, $10, $15, $20, whatever. Makes sense ?

    Thank you,


  4. Excellent, I'm happy to see more people offering printed content through lulu. Mark, I've read your open content before (and blog over the years). I will be ordering through lulu. Keep up the good work and thank you.

  5. Fascinating book, working through it for purely personal interest.
    You might want to check the first paragraph of the preface: 'I wrote this book was written for'

  6. Michael, Anjan and Travis: thanks!

    Andrew: thanks for the typo report. I edited my Latex source files for future editions (I am planning on re-releasing this book about every 2 years, as I get additional material).

  7. Where is the .zip file with the examples available? Am I just missing the link, or does it only come with the LuLu version?

  8. Hello Matt, the download link is on page 2 (middle of the page). The code download is huge because I include lots of 3rd party open source libraries - so I purposefully just mention the link in the free PDF file and in the for-fee PDF and the printed books: I don't want to waste bandwidth on people who don't read the book :-)

    Best regards,


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