Dynamic language 'goodness': comparing JRuby and Java Semantic Web example programs

Although there are several Semantic Web libraries or frameworks that I like to use, I had to choose just one for a DevX article that I am finishing up. I chose to use Sesame. After covering what I think are some "big wins" of using RDF/RDFs/OWL (for some applications) I present some example programs that I hope that readers have lots of fun with. The "wrapper" library that I wrote for Sesame works fine for both Java (which Sesame is written in) and JRuby. I must say that for experimenting with Sesame, JRuby is a lot nicer because the example programs are much shorter and with Ruby duck typing it is easier to write callback handlers, etc. for my wrapper library. Being able to work interactively in a JRuby jirb shell is also a big win for experimenting with code, different SPARQL queries, etc.


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