Supporting infrastructure for nurturing creativity

I love coincidences in life. I was just thinking how much I enjoy independent and/or non-formula movies (e.g., both Indy films at Sundance and the fabulous Chinese movie "Hero" that combined an amazing plot twist with eye-candy cinematography). A few minutes later, I saw this article about the British plan to install about 250 digital projectors in theaters throughout the United Kingdom. This will open up the possibility to produce and distribute very low budget movies made with digital video technologies - a very good thing! I would like to see the same thing in the USA.

I admit to being too optimistic, but I look forward to a future where instead of lusting after excess material goods (the production of which places too high of a burden on our delicate ecology), people will become more interested in low-resource cost creative activities like getting together to produce low budget movies and plays, writing, playing games, cooking gourmet food, crafts, writing software <grin>, etc., etc.

Creativity in play and work needs a little infrastructure, but not much compared to expensive social support programs and waging wars. Although the world is suffering from some bad leadership (even a little worse than usual, I think), I am somewhat optimistic about the future.


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