I really appreciate Google Adsense ads
I just got another check from Google for having Adsense ads on my web sites. Sweet - pays for all of my server and internet costs, and then some... I use up a fair amount of bandwidth because sometimes I often have several hundred copies of my free web books downloaded a day. I also get a surprising number of contributions from people via PayPal for my free web books. I am not sure, but if I stopped consulting and wrote full time, I could probably meet my living expenses by writing free web books(*) and accepting donations. (But, I enjoy consulting too much: I love solving problems). Anyway, I appreciate Google Adsense ads - give them a try yourself.
(*) speaking of which, I have been working such long hours consulting the last 7 or 8 months, that I have not had too much time to write. I am now taking a 4 or 5 month break and only consulting about half time (for a pleasant change), so I will hopefully get some more open content material written. (But I am also trying to wrap up wor...