Rest service and client in DART

The DART language looks like a promising way to write rich clients in a high level language. I have been looking at DART and the Ruby to JavaScript compiler Opal as possible (but not likely) substitutes for Clojurescript with Clojure back ends. It took me a little while to get a simple REST service and client working in development mode inside the DART IDE. The following code snippets might save you some time. Here is a simple service that returns some JSON data:
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:json' as JSON;

main() {
  var port = 8080;
  HttpServer.bind('localhost', port).then((HttpServer server) {
    print('Server started on port: ${port}');
    server.listen((HttpRequest request) {
      var resp = JSON.stringify({
        'name': 'Mark',
        'hobby': 'hiking'}
It is required to set Access-Control-Allow-Origin. Here is the client code (I am not showing the HTML stub that loads the client):
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:json';

void main() {
  // call the web server asynchronously
  var request = HttpRequest.getString("http://localhost:8080/")

void onDataLoaded(String responseText) {
  var jsonString = responseText;
  Map map = parse(jsonString);
  var name = map["name"];
  var hobby = map["hobby"];
  query("#sample_text_id").text =
      "My name is $name and my hobby is $hobby";
The call to query(…) is similar to a jQuery call. As you might guess, “#sample_text_id” refers to a DOM element from the HTML page with this ID. DART on the client side seems to be very well supported both with components and tooling. I think that DART on the server side is still a work in progress but looks very promising.


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