New (very) rough drafts available for both Java and Lisp editions of "Practical Semantic Web and Linked Data Applications"

While I have been following Semantic Web technologies for over 8 years, I find the slow adoption to be frustrating. I am trying to do my part to promote the Semantic Web by writing two editions of "Practical Semantic Web and Linked Data Applications." One edition has examples in Java/Clojure/Scala/Jruby and the other has examples written in Common Lisp. There is a lot of common material in both editions so I expect people to only read the edition that covers their favorite programming language.

I will sell physical print books via and there will always be free PDF versions on my Open Content web page. I hope to have the Java/Clojure/Scala/Jruby edition finished by early April and the Common Lisp edition finished sometime in early summer.

I just posted PDFs for both editions. That said, these are very rough cuts, with large sections still to be written.

There are a lot of very good Semantic Web tools and frameworks - both open source and commercial. I am using the commercial AllegroGraph product for both books (the free edition is very capable and sufficient for many applications). Additionally, all of the examples in the Java/Clojure/Scala/Jruby edition also work with the open source Sesame library (even the geolocation and text search examples because I layered this functionality on top of Sesame).


  1. I'd like to try out some of the Practical Semantic Web Apps code (the Java version).

    I grabbed the code from github. Looking at the Makefile it enables me to install your jar in my maven repo. But all the libs it depend on still live in the lib directory of the local git repo.

    Could you add (and keep up-to-date) a pom file that has all the dependencies?

    Looks like a useful book, but could be much easier to use with this step.

  2. Hello Harold,

    I am doing a git clone right now to see if there are any problems running the examples. I thought that everything required is in the lib directory so you should be good to go, without Maven, by creating a project with existing sources and using the lib directory: use IntelliJ, Eclipse, or NetBeans.

    That said, I'll make the examples easier to run using the included Makefile, and maybe add an ant build.xml file. I am not a Maven enthusiast, so if you would like to provide a pom file, I'll add it to the project.


  3. If you do a:

    git clone

    I just updated the README file to include setup instructions for the free IntelliJ version 10 IDE (community version)


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